Don't Know What To Do? Here's How You Can Get Started

Like everyone else, we have lifegoals that we want to achieve. But most of the times, we don't have the means to make it happen. It could about about financial scarcity or just having no idea where to begin.

It's is usual to feel this way especially for young people who just graduated from school. Only a handful few and even none has ever figured out what they want to do in life after college. There is a big difference between going to school and being told what to do and being out there figuring out the plans for yourself.

It's not easy to be fully aware of what you need to do in life immediately. It takes a lot of deep personal reflection before you can come  up with plans that are worth pursuing. Knowing what to do is a long process of trying, making mistakes and growing. If you don't want to know where to begin, here are a few insights that will help you get started.

1. Understand what you really like and where you are good at
You already know what you are supposed to do! At the bottom of your heart, you somehow already figured out what makes you happy, things you like doing even without any compensation, things that you can prioritize over food and sleep and things you can keep doing over and over again without getting tired of it.

 It’s just that in these noisy world that we live in, there are so many affecting factors that make us forget about these things. Forcing us to conform with what the society likes or suggests. It is a good practice to just find  times when you can be alone and remember all the things that make you happy and where you are good at. Try your best to make a list out of it so that you will not forget. Once you realize all of them, your following actions will be easier to find out.

2. DECIDE to begin
Decision is crucial. Nobody tells you where and how to begin, it is your own choice to do so. Everything that happens in our lives are results of the decisions we make big or small. Nothing happens  without our own consent. So if you are stuck with not knowing where to begin, then it is about time to tell yourself to get up and work on figuring out your action plan. The best way to get started is for you to decide to get started. What to do next will just come as you go along.

3. Take advantage of what is in front of you

One of our generation’s most successful person RichardBranson once spoke a very special statement that would stick to my mind until now. “If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later!” The more you dwell with indecision, the more you are actually doing nothing. 

Reality is that you don’t have all the time in the world, so you might as well want to make the most our of your time by ceasing the opportunity as it pops out right in front of you. Do it and give your best shot despite the limited experience and knowledge. Who knows what kind of adventure it will bring you to! This is so much better than just waiting.

4. Forget about gains at first, focus on learning
At the beginning, we tend to get choosy and idealistic about many things. For example, we don’t want a job that offers less than the salary we planned about. So we rather stand by and wait for our supposed  “perfect” opportunity. But the problem with this is that, firstly, there is no one who will give you what you ask for at the very beginning, you have no idea about anything yet so that is 100% not going to happen. Secondly, you will be letting go of worthy opportunities if you use the wrong criteria in choosing. As long as you see learning in doing something, there is no reason you wouldn't die into it even at lower returns.

5. Don’t pressure yourself
If you are having a hard time to fully understand where and how to begin, that is totally alright. Maybe it is yet not the time for you. Accept it without putting too much pressure on yourself. That will not do you any good.  Instead, give yourself the time and space it needs but of course, make sure you don’t waste too much precious time in the process.

6. Ask for people’s ideas
Wisdom is a very abundant commodity today. We just have to master the art of asking and we will surely benefit from it. There are many people around us who have enormous ideas and experiences that can help us in so many ways. Talk to people and learn from them. Open up about your challenges and for sure they will be more than willing to help and give you advice.

I hope these became helpful to you. I would be happy to read about what you think about these topic. Share your ideas in the comment section below.

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